Our competitions > Win £30 in our October Soccer Teams contest - 1st October matches

Win £30 in our October Soccer Teams contest - 1st October matches

Closes on 30th of September 2022

You can win £30 if you become the Champion Points Scorer in our October Soccer Teams contest which closes on 31st October 2022.

Each week up to 31st October we will be listing 20 football teams chosen from the English Premier League, the English Championship and the Scottish Premiership.

We will change some of the teams each week to make sure we only feature teams that are due to play on the Saturday.

To score in this contest you have to choose different teams that you think will win by at least TWO CLEAR GOALS in the relevant week's matches played on Saturday. The bad news is that you get points deducted from your total score if one of your chosen teams loses by at least two clear goals!

How to Score Points

You score points for each one of your teams selected as follows:

If your team wins by two clear goals (eg 2-0,3-1,4-2) you score 3 points

If your team wins by three clear goals (eg 3-0,4-1,5-2) you score 6 points

If your team wins by four clear goals or more (eg 4-0,5-1,7-2,6-0) you score 10 points

If your team loses by two clear goals you score minus 2 points

If your team loses by three clear goals you score minus 4 points

If your team loses by four clear goals or more you score minus 6 points

You score no points if your team draws and no points if your team wins or loses by a margin of just one goal. You also score no points if your team's match is cancelled or postponed.

You can enter each weekly contest once a day while it is live on our site up to the Friday before the day of the matches.

Please note that you should choose a different team each day in the run up to the Saturday's matches as you can only score one set of points towards your tally per team selected.

The overall winner of the £30 cash prize at the end of the competition will be the person who has scored the most points over the course of the contest. In the event of a tie a draw will be held to determine the winner.

We will give you regular updates of the standings so you can see who is leading the competition.

You need to be an upgraded member of Competitors Companion to enter this competition.

Results of September contest

The teams scoring points in the matches last weekend were:

Ukraine 10
Portugal 10
Bulgaria 10
Denmark 3
Croatia 3
France -2
Austria -2
Sweden -4

All other teams featured in the contest scored no points as they either drew or won or lost by one goal.

The final leading scores in the September contest were as follows and well done to the winner, Ian Campbell:

Ian Campbell 81
Jonathan Moakes 79
Ian Davidson 75
William Cameron 60
Chris Cooper 59
John Werry 59
Tim Glister 58
Peter Watson 53
Graham Lloyd 51
Robert Quinton 51
Annette Duckworth 50
Geoffrey Hooley 50


Choose a different team each day to maximise your point scoring chances.

Pick your team (a different team each day) from the selection below for matches to be played on Saturday 1st October. To help you with your selection you can see the latest tables at skysports by clicking here and see the fixtures for Saturday so you can see who the teams are up against by clicking here

Please login to enter this competition.

Competitors Companion standard terms apply. - Competition ID: 12351
